Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 31 Cruise - Naughty but nice

Today's Weigh-in: 74.1 kgs
Lost since January 8th 2012: 6.9 kgs

First of all, I am no longer tracking gains. They make me sad and they are not really gains. It takes as much work to gain weight as it does to take it off. I mean, not exactly. It is much easier to eat all you want than controlling what you eat, but you don't gain a kilo over-night unless you really really over did it. Drs and Nutritionists say it takes 3500 calories to gain a pound. So if to maintain you would eat 2000 calories, it means you would have to take in 5500 calories in one day to gain a pound, which isn't even half a kilo. 

If you are behaving, a gain could be anything, it isn't real. If you are misbehaving then it is another story. The only reason I still think it is good to weigh yourself each day, is to keep track of these fluctuations. You might be doing something wrong without knowing. Maybe that cheese you bought has more calories than you thought. Maybe, the meat you bought is more fatty. You might be taking in too much salt, eating too much yogurt. The important thing is that the scale keeps you honest. So, even if it takes a LOT to gain a pound over night, it doesn't take that much to gain it over a few days.

Palazzo Barberini, from my sight-seeing on Sunday
I am saying all this because I had a naughty day. It was brought on by not having lunch and going sightseeing for hours, so I bought a piece of pizza al taglio on my way home because I was starving. The thing is, later that night I wasn't even hungry anymore, but I had some speck which is smoked prosciutto. It wasn't that bad if you count the calories consumed that day, but you can tell it is just bad behavior brought on by bad behavior. Plus, speck is really really salty, so I suffered some bloating the days after. 

The bad thing is not that I fell off the wagon, it is the thought process behind the falling off the wagon. I just wanted to misbehave. I was almost masochistic about it. In any case it is over with. I got it out of my system and I am back on track. It just makes you wonder, the hoarding mentality, of thinking, well I screwed up, I might as well eat all I can find now. Ok, I didn't eat all I could find, but I thought about it. 

I honestly believe a few cheat meals are not a bad idea. They actually give your body a jolt, especially when you hit a plateau. When they are rational, when they are planned, when they are controlled, it is not bad to eat something not in the diet. Not often. Not more than once a week, preferably much less than that. What kind of scared me was that I didn't care about myself when I made the decision of eating more. I wasn't hungry. Eating the pizza isn't what bothers me, I can deal with that and not feel guilty. It was what came after. That is what is dangerous for a diet. 

The important thing is not to feel defeated by one mishap. The goal is so much more important than anything else. If you are on this journey it is because it really matters. If you are really willing to lose the weight, the bigger picture is what counts. Your weight will fluctuate, you will be happy some days, less happy others, but if you keep at it, if it is really more important to you to lose weight than to eat a piece of pizza, you will get back on track and you will lose the weight. 

One more thing, I got a massive headache the day after I had the pizza. I guess it was the wheat. Crazy how I went back to eating right and it was gone. 


  1. Great post! That picture is so beautiful.... Agree 100% with your thinking. Hoarding mentality / self sabotage as I call it, is so destructive, I just have to snap myself out of it quick before I do any damage, once you get into that mind set it is so difficult to dig yourself out. Moonday did a great post on this a week or so ago, she has such a pragmatic approach, her posts really help me. Glad you are back on track, your next mini goal is just around the corner xoxo

    1. Hi Sonia, well let's say I am half way in between mini-goals!! You are pretty close to some big ones yourself!! Hooray for progress. Thanks for all your encouragement.

  2. Hi Fab, do you live in Rome? Are you Italian or an expat? I am back on track ... but I know what you are talking about: I have had a "pizza headache", too! I am sure it's the wheat!

    1. Hi Moonday, yes, I do live in Rome and I am part italian part expat. I used to live here when I was a child and my dad is italian. I guess I am an expat, because although I am Italian I don't really feel so Italian anymore, but I don't feel not italian. Weird. I guess I am trying to figure it out.
      I am glad you are back on track!! That is the most important thing!!!
