Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 25 Cruise - Where are my PP Days?

Yesterday's Weigh-in: 74.4 kgs
Today's Weigh-in: 74.3 kgs
Daily Loss: 0.1 kgs

I have a confession to make. I have NOT been good about having Pure Protein days. I haven't wanted to. There is a part of me that opposes is it completely. I feel it is not good for me. That said, I am thinking that to hurry things along I will do a mini-attack a month. A person can stand a strict diet for a few days at a time, it is the no foreseeable end in sight that derails diets. 

For now, I am happy with my veggies, and I even have the occasional berries with my greek non fat yogurt. When I feel I need more fiber I have even eaten a banana, and it has been wonderful. I am counting calories though, trying to stick to 1000-1200 calories a day, just to make sure that the fruit does not make me go overboard. So I guess I haven't been Dukan strict, but it has been working nevertheless. 

As for exercise, I am on week 2 of C25K. It is really hard for me, because my knee hurts while "running" - it is more of a shuffle really - and I don't have that much strength on my left leg, but I am still doing it. Also, while boot camp is on hiatus, I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Since I don't do it every day, I am only on Day 6 of Level 1. I am getting stronger though, and I am loving the fact that each time I exercise I get better. 

This week post ToTM has been nice. I prefer slow and steady, versus huge ups and downs, with the eventual Whoosh. If I could lose 150 grams every day until Goal Weight I would be soo happy. It would be nice if weight-loss was as simple as a formula, where you know exactly what to do for the desired result. Sadly it is a bit more complicated than that. But one thing is sure, if you diet and you exercise you will get there eventually. It is hard work, but if it wasn't we would all be thin.

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