Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 14 Cruise - Hungry

Morning Weigh-in: 75.1 kgs
Daily Loss: 0.1 kgs

Today hunger has been attacking like it hadn't in a long time. Well, it isn't really hunger. You know the feeling. You need food, but nutrition has nothing to do with it. In ketosis it doesn't happen normally. But I am a woman, and this is me on PMS! All the symptoms are alive and well, and the inexplicable need to fill a void in the middle of my stomach is here, with a vengeance. The good news is that I can snack on Dukan friendly food. 

I bought some turkey bresaola and had it with cottage cheese and some organic rye groats bread. I know it isn't very Dukanish, but it has only 30% carbs, which is really low. All the breads I saw had at least 80% carbs. It is delicious. I am giving it a try to see the effect it has on my diet. The excuse is of course PMS and the fact that Boot Camp today completely obliterated me. 

I asked my Boot Camp coach today if it is true that if you don't eat carbs and you exercise you might have a slight reduction in muscle. He said that protein creates muscle but that carbs provide energy. This is not a  surprise to me as I have been researching on the subject. Some of my research said that if you don't have any carbs that if you exercise agressively then your body might take the energy it needs from the muscle. However it is also true that among all diets, the one that provides you with the lowest reduction in muscle tissue is a low-carb, high-protein diet. My coach said he doesn't eat carbs often, and if he does they are the organic, whole grain type, but he does have oatmeal every morning. 

For the first time in the longest time I am energized. I wake up early, I am exercising a lot and I am everything but lazy, which isn't very normal for me. However, despite being so active I feel I am weak, like I don't have the energy to do all I want. I am trying to eat more and add a little bit more of energy to my life, without letting it affect my weight-loss. I am  looking to get on the other side of my Time of the Month and see a nice, friendly number on my new, shiny scale!

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