Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 5 Attack - Determination brings hope, eventually

Swordfish Carpaccio dinner
Morning Weigh-in: 75.5 kgs
Daily Loss: 1.4 kgs

Pretty big loss today. Now I feel dumb for complaining! I guess all this does is teach me that if I continue being constant then the weight will go down. It is very hard for me to think that my body actually works that way. For a long time I would diet and nothing would happen. I would even gain weight in the beginning and then maybe after a month I would have lost 1 kg, maybe 2 at the most. But then demoralized I would quit the diet and the weight would creep up again.

Since 2005 I have been battling with my weight, more than ever before. I have never been able to eat normally. Not only since I have had problems with my thyroid, but even before. My metabolism has never been very fast. Sluggish doesn't begin to describe it. I wouldn't help it either though. Exercise can help speed up your  metabolism, but it was not a word in my vocabulary. So slowly but surely my weight continued increasing. 

Late last year I finally got the thyroid under control (hopefully it will stay that way). It also coincided with me moving to Italy, so I continued gaining weight. I did notice my body reverting to its former self though. WIth the thyroid problems I had become more apple shaped than I had ever been. I thought it was normal because of the increased weight. However, since successfully "solving" my thyroid problem I lost a lot of the pudge around my waist, reverting to my former pear shape. I thought I was losing weight. I was actually gaining, it was just redistributing somehow. 

January 2012 came along, and with it the usual new year's resolutions. I downloaded the Dukan book on my kindle and on January 8th, at 81 kgs, the heaviest I have ever been, my Dukan journey started. After some loss and a few weeks "forced" break, I am back.

I need to remember this big loss when my weight will surely stagnate at some point. I need to remember that even if somedays I have a gain, if I continue to follow the diet faithfully I  WILL lose weight, eventually. I must say that reading other people's blogs, especially those on my blog list, has really helped me. They are living proof that the weight will come off and give me hope that I too can be successful. So thanks to them I am back, and I have a new found determination.


  1. Yayayayayayay!!! 1.4kg, that's awsome!! I've been waiting for a big drop for a while now, I'm not loosing weight as of lately, but I know it WILL come, it has no other option that to go down! Hang in there buddy!

    1. Thanks Janie! Yes, it will come. I almost feel like this is an exercise in patience. We really learn to work hard, no matter what and to have faith and patience. Your drop will come soon. I know it! Good luck!
